<title>Faiz's Blog v0.15 Build 23</title> [ ]:# (md format with xmp in html file) ### Data Markup Language: * [Learning the markdown syntax /Markdown语法](blog-html/demo1.html) ### Programming Language: * C * [Priority of Operators In C /C语言里运算符的优先级](blog-html/demo7.html) * C++ * Lisp * [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs /计算机程序的结构和解释](https://sarabander.github.io/sicp/html/index.xhtml) * [Abbreviations in Common-Lisp /Lisp中的缩写](blog-html/demo9.html) * [Chez Scheme User Guide 9.5 中文](../CSUG) * Bash * [OSX: Bash创建桌面快捷方式](blog-html/demo12.html) [//]:# (* How To Design Programs) ### MIDI: * [Document of Live 10 SDK APIs](docs/live10-apis/doc-cn.html) ### Others: [//]:# (* [summary of concept](blog-html/demo6.html\)) [//]:# (* [try](../try-an-html/index.html\)) * [About stock market](blog-html/demo5.html) * [Terminology in Stock Market](blog-html/demo8.html) * Is there any spectre in our world? [//]:# (* [Child](articles/family/child/reverse/writting-reversely\)) ### Related to me: * [My skill/experience tree /我的技能树](blog-html/demo11.html) * [Please get the lucky money here /这里领取红包](lucky-money/3.html) * [My BTC address /我的BTC地址](blog-html/myBtcAddr.html)

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